Our Four Pillars of Service

Our programs offer a continuum of tailored services that meet the housing, health, and hunger needs of our community. Our approach has four core pillars of services: Outreach, Interim Housing, Permanent Housing, and Community Integration.

Pillar 1

Outreach, Intake, and Assessment

Union Station coordinates homeless services across the San Gabriel Valley (SPA 3). We work with more than 130 local partners to provide street outreach, intake and assessment, connection to services, care coordination, housing navigation, housing placement, and retention assistance for our clients.

Coordinated Entry Systems

To assist the large volume of people experiencing homelessness in LA County, the Coordinated Entry System (CES) was established to connect people experiencing a housing crisis to resources and housing in the most efficient and equitable way. CES helps people who are vulnerable to housing resources as quickly as possible.

We are the Lead Agency for the Coordinated Entry System for Adults and Families in Service Planning Area 3 (SPA 3), and are responsible for coordinating access to homeless services across the 36 communities that make up the San Gabriel Valley.

Additionally, our Hospital Liaison and Patient Navigator teams work with those who are frequent users of the hospital system to provide case management and housing referrals. In the City of Pasadena, we are the team liaison for the Pasadena Police Department HOPE (Homeless Outreach Psychiatric Evaluation) Team and our staff are embedded within the Pasadena Fire and Public Health Department’s PORT (Pasadena Outreach Response Team).

Multi Disciplinary Teams

Our Multi Disciplinary Teams (MDT Teams) conduct outreach in the community to engage with unhoused community members in streets, parks, around public transportation, and other outdoor spaces. To best address the needs of these highly vulnerable community members, these teams include substance use specialists, mental health clinicians, and peer specialists who have lived experience.

We also partner with the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine Street Medicine Team, who provide medical expertise, assessments, testing, and primary healthcare services for individuals on the street.

Eagle Rock tiny village resident

Pillar 2

Interim Housing

The drivers of homelessness are as varied as the needs of the individual. For many, the first step on their path to permanent housing is interim housing. We offer a variety of interim housing options in Pasadena and the San Gabriel Valley with wraparound services to support people while they rebuild their lives and find stability.

Across Pasadena and the San Gabriel Valley

Union Station operates many interim housing sites across Pasadena and San Gabriel Valley. Clients are able to stay at these interim housing sites for a short amount of time, ranging anywhere from a few months to over a year, and is determined on a case by case basis.

Pillar Three

Permanent Supportive Housing

Our Permanent Supportive Housing programs provide safe, affordable, and private apartments, as well as on-site support services for long-term stability. Residents in all permanent supportive housing locations pay 30% of their income to the property manager as a condition of their housing voucher.

A Program for Everyone

Some of our families and individuals only need short-term assistance. We use an innovative rapid rehousing approach to help locate and retain housing as well as provide temporary rental support. Based on their needs, clients are enrolled to either the Family Solutions Program, the Rapid Rehousing Program, or the Recovery Rehousing Program — a COVID-19 recovery plan.

For clients who would benefit from a more long-term approach, we offer on-site supportive services and care coordination to aid in retaining their permanent housing. We offer services at our facilities such as intensive case management, referrals, and job hunting.

Thanksgiving arts and crafts

Pillar 4

Community Integration

One of the major ways Union Station Homeless Services helps individuals end their homelessness and rebuild their lives is by offering wrap-around services, including community integration with Sources Career Development, Community Allies, and Volunteer Enrichment Activities.

Employment Development

The Sources Career Development program assists clients with all aspects of a job search, from how to effectively find jobs online, to resume writing, and practicing interview techniques. Our Job Developers create customized career plans for each individual. Other services include helping clients obtain ID cards and getting interview clothes and shoes.

Community Allies

Union Station’s Community Allies Program helps fosters one-on-one relationships and fun social networks to combat isolation and to support wellness and housing stability for clients. Activities included book club, picnics in the park, yoga, and more.

Enrichment Activities

Volunteers help plan and create a variety of Enrichment Activities for individuals and families. Activities include monthly birthday celebrations, game nights, art therapy, nutrition classes, budgeting, yoga, and much more to build inclusive and healthy communities.